
Are US Trucks Allowed to Cross the Border Into Mexico?

Courtney L.
March 15, 2023

Did you know that around 60% of cross border trade between the US and Mexico is moved by trucks? It’s a fast growing and lucrative affair, with manufacturers and retailers spending billions to ship across international lines.

With that being said, can US trucks go into Mexico? The regulations for trucks pushing freight into Mexico can be complicated to navigate. It’s important to know what documentation is required. There are also considerations to make, such as how to save the most on time and money to ship cross border into Mexico.

In this post, we highlight the most important factors to keep in mind when heading south of the border.

US Trucks Crossing the Border Into Mexico

To answer the question of whether US trucks can travel across the border into Mexico, the answer is no- US trucks must stop at the border.

From there, the freight is pulled by Mexican carriers. This hand-off is made after the freight is thoroughly inspected and all documents are checked off. Afterwards, everything must be reviewed by a Mexican customs agent and cleared for the consignee to continue on the the final destination.

The 101 on Mexico Cross Border Trucking 

Cross-border trucking is when a truck moves freight from the one country into another. For MX cross border shipping, we already mentioned that US trucks must stop at the border.

Before a carrier can move over international lines, it must be approved for travel. This includes having operated for a certain period of time, as well as being able to prove that all taxes and social security contributions to Mexico have been paid in full.

Documentation is also necessary, including all having DOT registration documents, certifications, and a solid insurance policy.

It can feel overwhelming to get your ducks in a row, especially if it’s your first rendezvous at the border or you’re shipping specialized freight that requires heavy lifting. 

One of the most efficient ways to cover all of the bases when organizing ground transportation into Mexico, is by utilizing a through-trailer service. It’s an effective method that saves time, since freight doesn’t need to be transloaded between the two countries. This also reduces the risk of damages to freight.

BST Linehaul can help with all of your cross border shipping needs, including heavy haul. We provide through-trailer services in San Diego and throughout California. Get in contact to learn more!

Courtney L.
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